Animation Palette

Animation Palette


“Animation Palette” is a voluntary project by graduates of the Graduate School of Film and New Media at Tokyo University of the Arts. They continue their creative activities on the side of their work. The project motivates them and creates a place for the presentation of their works.
This year, 6 more selected films will be screened.

- Screening Films -
“Body Obsession” (Director: Shino Nagasako)
“CASTLE” (Director: Ryotaro Miyajima)
“Mekakure” (Director: Akifumi Nonaka)
“Return of Lesson” (Director: Senri Iida)
“Sekka” (Director: Mayuko Yamakita)
“CREATIVE EVOLUTION" (Director: Young-Sung Sohn)


Work Data

Country Japan
Year 2019