ARTThe Shimabara Area

During:Saturday, October 19, Sunday, October 20

Shimogyo-ku 140th Anniversary Shimabara Festival

This program will be held in cooperation with the Shimabara area around the former Junpu Elementary School.
During the festival there will be exhibitions, performances and participatory workshops etc. in cooperation with the local Shopping mall and stores. Performance October 20th(Sun.)padGALLERY Art and Build Teams “Trash Art Shimabara Parade”Cooperation: padGALLERYWorkshop October 12th (Sat.), Street Chalk Art October 19th( Sat.)Cooperation BAMI gallery.

Workshop "Make Chalk"

The event was cancelled due to typhoon No.19

Date: Saturday, 12 October
Time: 12:00-17:00
Place: BAMI gallery

Cooperation: BAMI gallery

Street Chalk Art

Date: Saturday, 19 October
Time: 13:00-17:00

Performance "Trash Art Shimabara Parade"

Date: Sunday, 20 October
Time: Workshop 13:00-15:00 / Parade Performance 15:00-16:00

Cooperation: pad GALLERY